Manage super contributions online

Fast and simple super contributions online

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to manage super contributions online, so that you can get on with more important things such as running your business.

You can do this through using our online clearing house - Employer Portal. It is easy to use, Superstream compliant and suitable for any business.



Employer Portal allows you to: 

  • Easily add, remove and update employee details at any time, manually or using a file from your payroll system
  • Make super contributions to all your employees regardless of which fund they are with
  • Flexible payment options: direct credit or direct debit
  • Register multiple business entities under one user access
  • Nominate debit payments from one bank account or from multiple bank accounts
  • Access reports and full transaction history
  • Video tutorial provided
  • Secure and ATO SuperStream compliant


Adding new employees to Employer Portal

If a new employee is already a REI Super member, you can simply add them to your account in the Employer Portal, using their Member Number. 

If a new employee is not a REI Super member, you can add them to your account in the Employer Portal by entering a few basic details. They can also join REI Super online or download PDF application form.

Once you have added an employee to your account, you can immediately start paying their SG contributions.