Portfolio Holdings Disclosure

Effective 31 December 2021, the Government introduced measures to increase the amount and quality of information to members about their superannuation portfolio holdings. This means we will be disclosing the value and weighting of underlying assets within each investment option.

The aim of the Portfolio Holding Disclosure is to increase transparency and help you make informed investment choices for your superannuation. We will be updating this information every 6 months.

You can see how your superannuation is invested by clicking on your investment option below.

The information contained in each spreadsheet is current as at 31 Dec 2024. 

To help you understand this information, we have provided definitions below.

  • Asset

    This shows the investment held within each asset class. These assets are grouped together such as cash, equities, and property.

    Most of our assets are managed by investment managers. To help make sense of these managed assets we also provide the name of the product as part of the description for each investment holding.

    Investment Asset Identifier

    The identifier is the unique reference number used to identify the asset.

    Units held

    This is the number of units or shares held in a particular asset (where applicable).


    This is the total value, in Australian dollars, of the particular investment holding.

    Weight (%)

    This is the proportion of each asset measured to the total value for each investment option.

For information about REI Super’s investment options and asset classes, refer to our Investment Guide