As life changes with marriage, mortgages and children, it’s worth reviewing your insurance cover. Make sure you have the right level to cover your financial needs. You can increase or decrease the level of your cover at any time.

Cover for Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) or Death only
You may choose to have death only insurance cover, or death and total and permanent disablement (TPD) insurance cover. It’s up to you.
See if you have the right level of cover.
Increasing your cover
You may find that the default cover may not be enough for your needs. You can increase the level of cover up to a maximum of 20 units or the equivalent sum insured applicable to your age as fixed cover. 1 Unit of Death and TPD cover costs as little as $1.80 per week.
Occupation category | Death and TPD | Death only cover |
White Collar | $1.80 per week | $0.92 per week |
Blue Collar | $3.53 per week | $1.79 per week |