Investment options

Pre-mixed and single sector investment options

We have a range of ten investment options for you to choose from. The range includes four pre-mixed investment options and six Sector options. The Pre-Mixed investment options are: Growth, Balanced, Stable, and Growth Plus. The six Sector investment options are: Australian Shares, International Shares, Australian Property, Global Property, Bonds and Cash.

You can select one investment option or tailor your investment portfolio by combining a selection of options.

You can change your investment option or options at any time, online, via the mobile app or over the phone. Before you make any changes to your investment options, call us to speak to one of our professional advisers so that you can be sure you have the right investment option for your needs. Advice on your investment choice is free to REI Super members. 


  • An investment that has a high level of risk for a high potential return over its investment time horizon. Returns will vary and there is still a possibility of delivering a negative return in any one year.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return in 4 to less than 6 years every 20 years.

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile


    Performance objective
    This option aims to provide net (after investment fees and tax) investment returns of CPI + 4.0% per annum over rolling 10 year periods.
    This option invests in
    This option invests in mainly growth assets with modest defensive assets.
    1. Australian Shares 35%
    2. International Shares (Hedged) 16%
    3. International Shares (Unhedged) 31%
    4. Global Property Securities 0%
    5. Unlisted Property 5.5%
    6. Global Listed Infrastructure 0%
    7. Unlisted Infrastructure 7.5%
    8. Private  Credit 4%
    9. Cash 1%
    Allocations shown may vary by up to +/- 15%
  • An investment that has a medium to high level of risk for a medium to high potential return. Returns will vary and there is still a possibility of delivering a negative return in any one year. This is REI Super's default (MySuper) option for superannuation members.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return in 3 to less than 4 years in every 20 years.

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile

    Medium to high

    Performance objective
    This option aims to provide net (after investment fees and tax) investment returns of CPI + 3.0% per annum over rolling 10-year periods.
    This option invests in
    Mainly growth assets with substantial defensive assets.
    1. Australian Shares 24%
    2. International Shares (Hedged) 10%
    3. International Shares (Unhedged) 20%
    4. Global Property Securities 2.5%
    5. Unlisted Property 6.5%
    6. Global Listed Infrastructure 2.5%
    7. Unlisted Infrastructure 7.5%
    8. Australian Bonds 9.5%
    9. International Bonds (Hedged) 8.5%
    10. Private Credit 4%
    11. Cash 5%
    Allocations shown may vary by up to +/- 15%
  • An investment that has a medium level of risk for a medium potential return over its investment time horizon. Returns have the potential to be higher than just investing in cash investments. Returns will vary and there is still a possibility of delivering a negative return in any one year.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return in 2 to less than 3 years in every 20 years

    Investment Timeframe:

    4 years plus

    Risk Profile


    Performance objective
    This option aims to provide net (after investment fees and tax) investment returns of CPI + 1.5% per annum over rolling 4-year periods.
    This option invests in
    Mainly defensive assets (cash and bonds), with some growth assets also.
    1. Australian Shares 11.5%
    2. International Shares (Hedged) 4%
    3. International Shares (Unhedged) 12.50%
    4. Global Property Securities 2.50%
    5. Unlisted Property 4%

    6. Global Listed Infrastructure 2.50%
    7. Unlisted Infrastructure 5%
    8. Australian Bonds 20%
    9. International Bonds (Hedged) 20%
    10. Private Credit 4%
    11. Cash 14%

    Allocations shown may vary by up to +/- 15%
  • An investment that has a high level of risk for a high potential return. This option has the potential for the highest returns out of REI Super’s investment options over its investment time horizon. Returns will vary and there is still a possibility of delivering a negative return in any one year.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return in 4 to less than 6 years in every 20 years

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile


    Performance objective
    This Option aims to provide net (after investment fees and tax) investment returns of CPI + 4.5% per annum over rolling 10-year periods.
    This option invests in
    Almost entirely growth assets with minimal defensive assets


    1. Australian Shares 40%
    2. International Shares (Hedged) 17%
    3. International Shares (Unhedged) 26%
    4. International Shares – Emerging Markets 10%
    5. Global Property Securities 3%
    6. Global Listed Infrastructure 3%
    7. Australian Bonds 0%
    8. International Bonds (Hedged) 0%
    9. Cash 1%
    Allocations shown may vary by up to +/- 15%.
  • A low risk investment with a lower rate of return.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return less than 0.5 years in every 20 years

    Investment Timeframe:

    No minimum

    Risk Profile

    Very low

    Performance objective
    This option aims to deliver a return broadly in line with the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index over rolling 3-year periods.
    This option invests in
    100% Cash.
    • Cash 100%.
  • A high quality, professionally managed, diversified Australian shares investment.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return 6 or more years in every 20 years.

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile

    Very High

    Performance objective
    This option aims to grow the value of your super savings above the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index over rolling 5-year periods.
    This option invests in
    Australian Shares 100%
    • Australian Shares 100% 
  • A high-quality, professionally managed, diversified International shares investment portfolio.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return 4 to less than 6 years in every 20 years.

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile


    Performance objective
    This option aims to grow the value of your super savings above the benchmark over rolling 5-year periods. The weighted average benchmark comprises: 50% MSCI All Country World Ex-Australia with Net Dividends Reinvested (Unhedged) Index and 50% MSCI All Country World Ex-Australia with Net Dividends Reinvested ($A hedged) Index.
    This option invests in
    50% International Shares (Hedged) 50% International Shares (Unhedged)
    • International Shares (Hedged) 50%
    • International Shares (Unhedged) 50%
  • A high quality, professionally managed, diversified domestic property securities investment portfolio.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return 6 or more years in every 20 years.

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile

    Very High

    Performance objective
    This option aims to match or exceed the S&P / ASX 300 Property Accumulation Index over rolling 5-year periods.
    This option invests in
    100% Australian Property Securities.
    • Australian Property Securities 100%
  • A high-quality, professionally managed, diversified global property securities investment portfolio.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return 6 or more years in every 20 years

    Investment Timeframe:

    10 years plus

    Risk Profile

    Very High

    Performance objective
    This option aims to or exceed the FTSE / NAREIT Developed Markets Real Estate ($A Hedged) over rolling 5-year periods.
    This option invests in
    100% International Property Securities (Hedged)
    • International Property Securities (Hedged) 100%
  • A high-quality, professionally managed, diversified bond and fixed interest investment portfolio.
    Members Comfortable With:

    A negative return 1 to less than 2 years in every 20 years

    Investment Timeframe:

    3 years

    Risk Profile

    Low to Medium

    Performance objective
    This option aims to match or exceed the benchmark comprising 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite Bond Index and 50% Barclays Global Aggregate A$ Hedged Index over rolling 3-year periods.
    This option invests in
    50% Australian Bonds 50% International Bonds (Hedged)
    • Australian Bonds 50%
    • International Bonds (Hedged) 50%

Investment Guide

Learn more about REI Super's investment options.

(pdf - 789 KB)

Changing your investment options

You can change your investment option or options at any time. Login to your account to make your change, or complete this via the mobile app or over the phone on 1300 13 44 33. 

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