Insurance options

Making sure you are financially covered

Whilst you cannot control life and its changing events, you can take time to plan for the ‘what if’. What would happen if you became seriously ill or injured and could no longer work? How would you manage without your monthly income? Could your family and loved ones financially support themselves if you passed away?

For these reasons, REI Super offers insurance. We have three different types of cover for life’s unexpected events:

Default insurance - Death and Total and Permanent Disablement insurance 

REI Super's default insurance cover provides you and your family with financial support during difficult times if you become terminally ill, permanently disabled or pass away.

Our default insurance cover includes:

  • Death (including Terminal Illness)
  • Total and permanent disablement (TPD)
  • Includes 4 units of cover (from $7.20 per week)1
  • Paid as a lump sum

Read more about REI Super's default insurance cover.

Death only cover (optional)

Only covers you in the event of death. In the event of death, our insurance provides a lump sum to your estate or to your beneficiaries.


Income Protection cover (optional)

Income Protection (previously known as salary continuance insurance) provides a monthly income if you are unable to work due to partial disability due to illness or injury.  REI Super’s Income Protection insurance is tailored to the needs of real estate employees, and it covers commissions and variable remuneration.

Each unit of Income Protection cover provides a benefit of $5,200 per annum (before tax) and is payable for up to two years. 

Like Death and TPD insurance, Income Protection insurance fees are paid through your REI Super account and not from your bank account. 

We offer waiting periods of 30, 60 or 90 days for Income Protection.

What does it cost?

Please see our Insurance Guide for full costs and details.

How many units do you need?

Use our online insurance tool or call us on 1300 13 44 33 where one of our qualified advisers can help determine how much cover you need. 


1Only applicable for eligible REI Super members