REI Super provides fully comprehensive financial planning, so you can plan for your best retirement.
As an industry fund, we are run only to benefit members. We don’t pay dividends to shareholders and all profits are returned to members.
We actively manage members’ investments and we carefully contain costs, to keep your savings performing well.
Get the best of both worlds. Your money stays invested in super, while paying you a regular income.
Our highly qualified financial advisers are always on hand to help you set up and manage your REI Super Pension.
Call us today. See how we can help
Helping you plan for a comfortable future
Find out how to maximise your super savings and prepare for a comfortable retirement
As you approach retirement age you can access your super and receive a regular income
Using our online tools, find out if are on track with your super savings and if you will have enough to retire with
Unsure of how you will manage your finances when you retire? Our financial advisers can provide you with the retirement information you need