Your default insurance cover

Your insurance cover when you join REI Super

Default insurance cover is a great way to financially protect you and your family against life’s unexpected events.   This insurance cover is applied to your account without the need for you to provide any medical history or financial details. 

Default cover is dependent on your age, account balance and eligibility.  

Your default insurance cover includes:

  • Death (including Terminal Illness)
  • Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD)
  • 4 units of cover (from $7.20 per week)
  • Paid as a lump sum
  • Paid through your REI Super account

When does the cover start?

Your default insurance cover will start once you satisfy the following:

  1. You are aged 25 and above, and your account balance has reached $6,000 or more at least once, and
  2. You have not previously cancelled your cover, or your cover with REI Super had ceased, and
  3. An active contribution is received on or after (1) and (2) are satisfied.

Default cover will commence from the date the first Active* contribution is received after (1) and (2) are satisfied, provided you meet other eligibility criteria^, and is subject to Limited cover restrictions for the first 30 days.

If your account is under $6,000 and or you are under the age of 25 years, you may elect to opt-in to commence your default cover earlier by completing this form.

Your insurance cover will end when:

  • Your account has not received any contributions or other amounts for a continuous period of 16 months and you have not made a valid election in writing to maintain your cover
  • You have given us written notice to voluntarily cancel your insurance cover
  • You cease to be an REI Super member
  • A benefit has been paid by the Insurer to REI Super in respect of you
  • You reach 65 years old
  • There are insufficient monies in your account to pay the insurance premium
  • You commence duty with military services of any country (excluding the Australian Armed Forces reserve where you are not on active duty outside of Australia)

Read our Insurance Guide (PDF) for full details of REI Super’s default insurance.

Increase your insurance cover within 90 days 

New members joining the fund on or after 1 April 2024 who are eligible for Default cover may be able to increase their Death or Death and TPD cover by up to 2 additional units and up to 10 units for Income Protection cover (without needing to provide additional medical information to the Insurer) within the first 90 days of receiving Default cover.  

Read our Insurance Guide for eligibility criteria.

To apply, eligible members must complete the New Member Offer Cover form.

Do you have the right level of cover?

The default level of cover is 4 units. Is this enough? The maximum is 20 units or the equivalent sum insured applicable to your age as fixed cover. Find out what the right level of cover is for you using our insurance calculator tool or call our friendly financial advisers 1300 13 44 33.



* Active contribution is any amount we receive in relation to a member’s account that we determine is sufficient for the account to avoid being ‘inactive’ under Government legislation for the purpose of providing insurance and includes a roll-in, personal contribution, SG contribution or salary sacrifice contribution. 

^refer to the REI Super Insurance Guide for more information