The Trustee of REI Super, REI Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd (‘the Trustee’), is required by law to act in the best interests of its members when exercising its duties and powers. More specifically, the Trustee has a responsibility to act in members’ best interests as a whole, and must not favour the interest of one group of members over another.
In addition, the Trustee has a duty to promote the financial interests of its members who are invested in the MySuper investment option, which is the Fund’s Balanced option.
To ensure that members are offered world class investment options, the Trustee works with Morningstar Investment Management Australia (formerly known as Ibbotson Associates Australia Limited) (ABN 54 071 808 501; AFSL 228986) (‘Morningstar’) who provides ‘implemented investment consulting’ services to REI Super. Implemented investment consulting places responsibility for the day-to-day investment decision-making in the hands of full-time investment professionals, experienced in managing investments.
The function of proxy voting is delegated to Morningstar who vote in accordance with their Proxy Voting Policy which complies with the requirements of the Financial Services Council’s Standard 13 Voting Policy, Voting Record and Disclosure.