To the Trustee, REI Superannuation Pty Ltd (ABN 68 056 044 770):
The Employer hereby makes application to join REI Super to become a Participating Employer of the Fund as established by the Trust Deed.
If accepted as a Participating Employer, the Participating Employer:
a) agrees that it has received a copy of both the Fund’s PDS and FSG, and
b) agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Trust Deed#, and
c) agrees to make contributions to the Fund on a regular basis in accordance with the Trust Deed#, and
d) acknowledges that the Trustee Directors, with the exception of any Independent Directors, are elected by the Members of the Fund.
# Note that the REI Super Trust Deed only requires that employers make contributions consistent with the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) legislation.