In recent years we’ve seen some devastating natural disasters happen across Australia. From heatwaves, droughts, bushfires through to severe storms, floods, landslides and tropical cyclones, many Australians have been impacted in different ways.
Not only do natural disasters impact your business and your clients but also you personally. Here are some links to help you and your clients prepare for a natural disaster and what steps you can take if you personally are experiencing financial hardship.
The links below are here to assist those who have been or may be affected by a natural disaster.
Information to help households and businesses plan for natural disasters.
Information to help households and businesses recover from natural disasters.
The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) is the representative body for the general insurance industry of Australia. They are following disasters to coordinate insurer response; see contact details below:
We know that natural disasters can affect our usual coping strategies. That's why REI Super is proud to offer members, their partners and their children access to 360Health Virtual Care. 360Health Virtual Care is all about providing expert medical support so you can receive guidance from the comfort of your home. You can receive a confidential, in-depth mental health review by a team of Australian-based experts. Click the button below to find out more.
Beyond Blue is also available to help support and advise you. Available nationally on 1300 22 4636.
If you are experiencing high levels of debt and need financial help, you may be able to access some of your super early due to severe financial hardship or on compassionate grounds. Find out things you can do by visiting our financial hardship page.