
Announcing more investment and insurance options for all REI Super members

posted on 16.08.2016

Access for all! 

All REI Super members now have access to our full range of ten investment options, as well as more insurance options. 

Having such a great range of investment options means you have the flexibility and control to easily tailor your investment profile to suit your savings goals as well as your personal level of comfort with investment risk. 

Or you can just stay in the Balanced option, which is REI Super’s flagship option and is our default option if you don’t make a choice. 

Your investment options range from those that have low risk and low potential returns to those that are higher risk, with higher potential returns. 

You can choose just one investment option or, if you wish, you can invest your REI Super balance across a range of different options. And you can easily switch your investment option whenever you like, over the web or by phone. 

Your investment options include:

  • Growth
  • Balanced
  • Stable
  • Premium Income
  • Australian Shares
  • International Shares
  • Australian Property
  • Global Property
  • Bonds
  • Cash

Get advice before you make changes to your investment strategy

It’s great to have the choices, but whatever you do, make sure you get advice from us before you change the investment strategy for your super. You want to make sure your chosen investment strategy has the potential to provide you with an adequate level of returns, while also not keeping you awake at night with worry! 

Our friendly and professional advisers are able and qualified to guide you through all the considerations when you’re thinking about your investment mix, so call them today on 1300 13 44 33.

Your new insurance options

With your new insurance options you now have the choice to convert your unit-based Death and Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance to a fixed cover if you wish. The cost of insurance in that case is calculated on the basis of your age and type of cover. 

You can also elect to have Income Protection insurance with waiting periods of 30 or 60 days instead of 90 days. 

For more information call REI Super on 1300 13 44 33



Managing your super