
How to make REI Super your default fund

posted on 09.11.2016

Your employees' SG contributions

Your employees are legally entitled to choose the super fund that their compulsory superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions are made to. If they don’t complete a Choice of Fund form you need to pay their SG contributions into a ‘default fund’ that is both MySuper authorised and listed in the Modern Clerical and Real Estate Awards.

A super fund for the real estate industry

REI Super is the only real estate specific superannuation fund named in both of these Federal Awards as a default super fund for real estate industry employees. So if a new staff member doesn’t make a choice of fund, employers must select REI Super as their default fund.

REI Super is also MySuper authorised. So when you choose us as your default fund, you can be sure you’re meeting your legal obligations – and your employees benefit from a super fund dedicated to their needs. 

Benefits for your employees 

We have competitive fees, a history of strong returns and high levels of personalised service tailored to the specific needs of real estate employees and businesses.

As an industry super fund, all our investment profits are returned to our members, which translates into lower fees and higher savings.

Find out how you can simplify your super contributions through using us as your default fund.  

Employer information