
2018 money calendar

posted on 25.02.2018

This article is brought to you by ME.

Set a date to make 2018 the year your money works harder.

January – money detox month

Know where your money goes in 2018 with the government’s free TrackMySpend app. It’s a great way to see where cut backs can be made.

February – credit card boot camp. Bring it on!

Christmas purchases are hitting your credit card statement - time to get serious about card debt. Aim to pay more than the monthly minimum and save by switching to a low-rate card with zero annual fees.

March – set some fiscal goals

Set some financial goals for the year ahead with the government’s award-winning (and free) TrackMyGOALS app.

April – cracking time for an egg hunt

Use this Easter to track down lost nest eggs. Over six million lost super funds with a combined value of $16 billion 1 are waiting to be reclaimed. Register with the myGov portal to reunite with lost super.

May – protect your financial identity

One in four Australians are victims of identity theft. Protect your financial identity by changing online passwords, updating security software and reviewing your credit record – free from credit reference agencies like Dun and Bradstreet and Equifax.

June – time for a juicy tax refund

Maximise your tax refund by claiming everything you’re entitled to. For a full list of possible deductions visit the Tax Office website or contact a registered tax agent.

July – score a better deal

Skip the sales and fatten your wallet by making July ‘get-a-better’ deal month. Start by switching to an everyday bank account that charges no ATM or monthly account-keeping fees, and watch the savings roll in.

August – be your own financial guru

Sharpen up your money IQ. Take a look at Ed, the online school of money brought to you by industry super fund-owned bank ME. Or ask your super fund about free financial advice.

September – spring clean your super

One in two Australians believe their super won’t provide enough income for a comfortable retirement 2. Don’t be among them. Spring clean your super by checking your fund balance, roll multiple accounts into one fund and plan to save more. Every bit extra means more cash in retirement.

October – buy nothing new month.  

Grab some pre-loved bargains, or swap, share or borrow with friends and save big bucks. Join the money-saving movement at Buy Nothing New.


November – gallop ahead financially

Don’t gamble on your financial future and try this guaranteed winner – deposit $100 in a high-interest savings account, and add $50 each week. After three years you’ll have accumulated $8,300. Stick with it for five years to enjoy a honeypot worth $14,200.


December – make a list. Check it twice. Pay with cash.

Follow Santa’s lead for the festive season. Make a list of Christmas purchases, check it twice to focus on essentials, and shop around for the best prices. Aim to pay with cash where possible. It’s still the cheapest way to buy.


1 ATO Super accounts data overview as at 30 June 2015

2 Financial Services Council, Your Super Future report, October 201

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* This information has been issued by Members Equity Bank (ME Bank). This information does not take into account your situation and you should consider if these products are appropriate for you.

Personal finance