
Celebrating International Women’s Day

posted on 01.03.2020

According to Sherrie Storor, from Women In Real estate, women account for approximately 65% of the real estate industry*. Yet there are very few women in leadership roles in real estate. 

It also means that those at the start of their career find it hard to find mentors to guide them through their career. So to celebrate International Women’s Day, we went to our members (after all more than 60% of our members are female) to hear their thoughts on the progress of real estate as an industry and if they had any advice for women getting started in real estate. 

Claire 200x200Claire Higgins, Chair, REI Super

What does international women’s day mean to you?  

For me personally, international women’s day creates an opportunity to tune into thinking about who I want to be and what I want to achieve. I don’t see it as being about creating lofty expectations, feminism or activism per se, I see it more about a personal journey about whether I am happy with who I am, my priorities, and my wellbeing.

It’s a chance to share stories with other women and relate to each other and know that each of us are thinking and grappling with the same opportunities and challenges. It’s about reinforcing myself to have the confidence to know that me, my opinion and my contribution count.
Women account for around 65% of the real estate industry, but you only find a handful working in the top jobs. What barriers are women still facing in the industry? What changes have you seen? 

This is a big, yet important question that a number of industries are facing. I believe it is going to take some time to see more women in the top roles in the real estate industry. Having said that, I regularly meet highly successful women in real estate - who love their jobs and love helping people.

Women in real estate - at whatever level - contribute to one of the most fundamental needs in our community - having a place to call home and feel safe. Also, all people in real estate are helping people embark on a journey that can be one of the most stressful and difficult times in a person’s life.

But to answer the question, I think there are two aspects - firstly a generational perspective in that historically it has been the men who have followed in the footsteps of their fathers, and have had the confidence and support to push to the higher levels and invest the time - take the risks.

And secondly, I believe that women are building that confidence, getting that support, and are now more prepared to take those risks to achieve that also. I think we will see more women choose to take this path with time, and I think that society has grown up in a way that will enable it to happen.

Jeanette Laffan 200x200Jeanette Laffan, Real Estate Agent, Ruralco 

What does International Women's Day mean to you?

For me, it's about highlighting women's achievements in their roles or areas that they work in. And also, it's a great opportunity to focus on equality in the workplace and in life in general.

I think unfortunately there's still way too many women in this world that are not treated equally and do not have the same opportunities that men have. I think the more we can focus on that and address it, the better.

Women account for around 65% of the real estate industry, but you only find a hand full working in the top jobs. What barriers are women still facing in the industry? What changes have you seen?  

I think the time commitment is often a barrier for women. Particularly if they have children. We are often spread way too thin and juggling everything. It's always a struggle to find that balance.

I think sometimes maybe it's hard for women to find other female mentors, too, in those management roles. There are lot of female salespeople, but there's not necessarily a lot of women in those higher management roles that females are looking to get into industry can turn to as mentors.

Karen Herbert 200x200Karen Herbert, Founder, Arrive  

What does International Women's Day mean to you?

My first career was as a manager at McDonalds, where nearly all the head office and management teams were men. I remember having to work harder than most in order to get recognition and as it turns out, I became the youngest female manager and first Store Manager in Queensland.

IWD is a day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women around the world globally. A day where we can come together in unity, to celebrate, reflect and do our bit to ensure that the future for girls is bright, equal, safe and rewarding.  

Women account for around 65% of the real estate industry, but you only find a hand full working in the top jobs. What barriers are women still facing in the industry? What changes have you seen? 

I know that women are starting to dominate the face of real estate, but unfortunately CEO positions are mostly still held by men. Associations such as Women in Real Estate are championing change in the industry through their national breakfast events.

We are fortunate to have an inspirational woman, Antonia Mercorella, as CEO for the REIQ, who is a true ambassador for women in the real estate industry.


Babette Coutanche, Property manager operations management, Harcourts - women in real estate - International Women's Day 2020Babette Coutanche, Property manager operations management, Harcourts 

What does international women’s day mean to you? 

I believe it's important to celebrate our own strengths and to push boundaries to shift the status quo – the beliefs and ideas that abound in our industry. We need to continue to create awareness around equalities. It's truly hard to believe that not all that long ago, the world was quite different in response to women. We have come so far but there's still more to go.

Women account for 65% of the real estate industry but you only find a handful working in the top jobs. What barriers are women still facing in the industry? What changes have you seen? 

I feel that women in the top jobs in real estate, particularly in the corporate space, have always had to embrace masculine tactics, and approached it as having to fight in a man's world. But it shouldn’t have to be like that. 

High performance in real estate is all about people and relationships, and women excel at these skills. I believe we need to use our femininity, which is what we were given, and roll with what we believe is true in our hearts and lead that way.

If you lead from the inside, that's when you get noticed. We don’t have to fit into the existing box that men operate from, we should play to our strengths, question everything and believe in our abilities to do things as well or better, even if it’s a different way.

Read more about what women can do to take control of their super and close the gender gap.

*The Courier Mail: Women now dominate the real estate industry


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