
Looking to go off-grid? Dan Vanderhoek is your man

posted on 10.02.2022

Century 21 Platinum agents, Gympie, sales and marketing consultant Dan Vanderhoek is a passionate environmentalist that specialises in Eco and lifestyle properties.

Dan came to the industry with a graphic design background and after a stint as a stay at home dad. When the twins were off to school it was time to embark on a new career.

New Career change

‘I’ve always had a passion for architecture, design and build, and a strong sense of social responsibility and for the environment. Real estate has given me the platform to bring all this together and package it up to a rapidly growing and passionate clientele. I have the best job in the world.’

 ‘Eco and lifestyle properties take on many forms but essentially start out with a conscious effort to look after the environment. Be that orientation on the land to manage passive solar, building and insulating with natural products such as mud brick, thatching etc. reusing and recycling products such as timber and glass, getting soils right and developing self-sufficiency. The list goes on, right up to the point where you’re self-sufficient and off the grid.’

‘Enquiry is huge and I have clients fly in from all around the country to view and purchase properties. I also provide a service to my clients to advise and assist them develop their properties in an eco-friendly and sustainable way.’

‘My ultimate goal is to secure a property of about 150 acres myself, develop it to the point where we are completely self-sustained, living off the grid and more…… I want to work with likeminded people in this growing community to form a business that would provide a barter system that shared the fruits of the land.’


‘Superannuation is the backbone of my plan to achieve this. If you’re not working and earning an income you still need a way to pay the bills, a super pension is my answer.’

‘I had several super funds when I started out in real estate so I did my research on which super fund to go with. My wife was with an industry fund so I knew a bit about them, My father-in-law was in the banking sector and he provided some advice. When it came down to it I really liked the online platform REI Super offered, easy to manage and informative. When I compared investment returns REI Super was right up there with the leaders in the industry. I’m very happy with my choice.’


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