
REI Super supports mental well-being for real estate professionals

posted on 27.03.2023

Mental health challenges affect everybody, and working in the real estate industry is no exception.  That's why the RiSE Initiative continues to raise awareness of the challenges faced by people in real estate and encourages open discussion to educate and help manage work performance and improve personal life.  

The RiSE Initiative is a collaborative organisation formed in 2019 to recognise the mental health crisis occurring in real estate in Australia. RiSE support real estate professionals to better understand mental health by providing them with tools to manage work performance and personal life better. RiSE’s mission is to save lives by redefining what constitutes a successful career through well-being initiatives, wellness, and mindfulness.

The real estate industry has an alarming legacy of burnout and stress. Research shows that 56%1 of agents always feel stressed, and an alarming 65%2 of agents have reported physical symptoms caused by job related stress and anxiety. Real estate professionals routinely rate higher than the overall population for suffering from anxiety, stress, and depression, despite one in four Australian’s suffering from a mental illness. The aftermath of these confronting statistics is career burnout and even suicide. If you, or anyone you know, is thinking of suicide, please call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14 and speak with someone today.

To combat the shocking mental health statistics in real estate, RiSE has developed the RealCare app - a free mental health and wellness resource built by real estate agents for real estate professionals and their families. The app addresses leading stresses and issues real estate professionals face and provides tools to help manage anxiety, deal with overwhelming emotions, recognise destructive thought patterns, create good habits, and manage finances. In addition to focusing on maximising good health, the app includes emergency features that allow users to receive urgent assistance and access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for crisis intervention. The app is available on Android and IOS. To download the free app please click on the following link Real Care App - RiSE Initiative.

Furthermore, RiSE hosts two major events each year - RiSE Leadership Awakening and the RiSE one-day conference. These unique events openly discuss real estate industry issues boldly and without pretence, delving deeper into real estate more than ever before and offering life-changing tools for work and home with people at the centre. For more information on RiSE’s events, please visit


1. RiSE Initiative 2021 Real Estate and Stress

2. Real Estate Industry Partners

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