
Improve your nutrition plan with MetLife 360Health

posted on 25.10.2023

A balanced nutrition plan is vital to well-being – whether you want to get fitter, lose weight or generally feel better. Here are three great reasons REI Super partnered with MetLife to offer a professional Nutrition Consultation through our 360Health Virtual Care program.

1. You'll get a personalised nutrition plan

There are so many different food and diet plans available it can be tricky working out which one might work for you. And if you're like most people who've tried weight loss or fitness diets, you'll know it's hard to stay motivated if your food plan doesn't fit.

2. Good nutrition helps reduce illness

Planning your meals ahead of time is also a straightforward way to make sure you eat all the good food you need to avoid snacking on whatever grabs your fancy.

A 2017 French study found meal planning is associated with food variety, diet quality and body weight status in adults and can help prevent obesity and related risks of illness such as cardiovascular disease. Eating well can give your body the nourishment it needs to help defend it against illness. It also prevents weight gain and sickness caused by consuming unhealthy food.


3. Good nutrition helps you feel good

Good nutrition is about fueling or nourishing your body with healthy energy so you can enjoy life more. A recent Harvard study into how food affects your mood suggests healthy and balanced meals can help your body and mind feel better together. The research found links between highly processed ingredients and lower amounts of the feel-good hormone serotonin, which plays an essential role in stabilising our moods.

One of the first things you can do to improve how you feel is to seek personalised advice on your nutrition needs. After requesting a Nutrition Consultation (see how below), you will receive an email confirmation advising a call back within 24 hours.

During the consultation, the dietician will ask about your:

  • Fitness, lifestyle and wellbeing goals
  • Food preferences, to help you plan meals you will want to eat, plus tips on making sure you get enough of the right food.

Your dietician might suggest other Virtual Care services to help you, too, and you'll receive your personalised nutrition plan within a few days.

How do I access Nutrition Consultation?

REI Super members, their partners, and children can access confidential Nutrition Consults, at no extra cost, through 360Health.  MetLife and REI Super are working together to support your health and happiness.



This article was provided by: MetLife Insurance Ltd, Australia

GPO Box 3319, Sydney NSW 2001 Australia

The information about MetLife products and services does not constitute financial, health or medical advice on the part of the REI Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 68 056 044 770, AFSL 240569, RSE L0000314 Trustee of REI Super (ABN 76 641 658 449), SPIN REI0001AU, RSE R1000412.  

If you have a health or medical concern, please seek professional medical advice immediately. 360Health services are not provided by way of insurance (including health insurance) and the provision of these services is not dependent on the occurrence of an insured event under the policy.

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