
Don’t Let Your Health Affect Your Retirement Plans

posted on 15.05.2024



A chapter in life where aspirations take centre stage, and health becomes a critical factor. Recent studies indicate that 83% of Australians harbour concerns about the potential impact of serious illnesses on their wellbeing in retirement1. This substantial figure calls us to explore the intrinsic link between health and fulfilment in the context of retirement.

The Retirement Health Dilemma

According to a study by MetLife1, nearly four in five Australians are concerned that health issues could disrupt their retirement plans, emphasising the pivotal role that health plays in the pursuit of a fulfilling retirement. Let's delve into the solutions and strategies that empower individuals to navigate their retirement years with confidence.

Catalysts for Wellness

In our commitment to ensuring your retirement is as healthy as it is fulfilling, we've collaborated with MetLife to introduce 360Health – a comprehensive platform connecting you with global medical specialists, dedicated general practitioners, empathetic mental health clinicians, and a select group of allied health professionals. The significance of this collaboration becomes evident when considering the broader health landscape in Australia.

Australian Insights: A National Health Overview

Insights from MetLife's Customer Perceptions of and Attitudes to Australian Life Insurance Study, October 2022 align with a broader perspective within the Australian population. Chronic conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and mental health issues, impact a significant portion of Australians2. Addressing these shared health challenges collectively is pivotal to fostering a healthier society.

360Health in Action: A Practical Approach

360Health is more than a health program – it's a practical tool empowering individuals to manage health concerns effectively. Beyond the worry of potential health challenges in retirement, it serves as a conduit to connect with professionals, stay proactive in maintaining wellbeing, and navigate the post-work phase with resilience.

A Healthier, More Secure Retirement 

Retirement should be a phase marked by good health, achievable aspirations, and a robust support system. With MetLife and 360Health as invaluable resources, individuals can actively shape a retirement that prioritises health, resilience, and fulfilment.

How do I access 360Health?
Visit MetLife 360Health 360Health | MetLife Australia 


1. MetLife's Customer Perceptions of and Attitudes to Australian Life Insurance, October 2022.

2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Chronic Conditions and multimorbidity,




The information provided is general information only and is not health or medical advice. If you have a health or medical concern, please seek professional medical advice immediately. 360Health services are provided by a third party, Teladoc Health Pty Limited.

While the Content is based on resources that MetLife believes to be well-documented, MetLife is not responsible for the accuracy of the Content, and you rely on the Content at your own risk. Each person’s condition and health circumstances are unique, and therefore the Content may not apply to you. The Content is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your licensed health care professional for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition and before starting or changing your health regimen, including seeking advice regarding what drugs, diet, exercise routines, physical activities or procedures are appropriate for your particular condition and circumstances.

360Health services are not provided by way of insurance (including health insurance), and the provision of these services is not dependent on the occurrence of an insured event under the policy. Access to these services will be at MetLife’s absolute discretion, and MetLife reserves the right to discontinue or change the services at any time. 

The information about MetLife products and services does not constitute financial, health or medical advice on the part of the REI Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd ABN 68 056 044 770, AFSL 240569, RSE L0000314 Trustee of REI Super (ABN 76 641 658 449), SPIN REI0001AU, RSE R1000412. 

If you have a health or medical concern, please seek professional medical advice immediately. 360Health services are not provided by way of insurance (including health insurance), and the provision of these services is not dependent on the occurrence of an insured event under the policy.


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